Perkeso bayar RM7.1 juta

Perkeso bayar RM7.1 juta - Pahang - Sinar Harian

Perkeso bayar RM7.1 juta
 BANDAR JERANTUT - Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial (Perkeso) membayar sebanyak RM7.1 juta sehingga September 2012 kepada semua jenis pembayaran faedah.

Pengarahnya, Mohd Shahar Ismail berkata, kategori hilang upaya sementara (HUS) membabitkan 1,470 kes, kematian pergi dan balik kerja (34), pencen ilat (309), hilang upaya kekal (352) dan pencen penakad (287).

Menurutnya, terdapat 16,131 majikan aktif mencarum dengan Perkeso, manakala sebanyak 68 kes pendakwaan dilakukan ke atas majikan yang masih ingkar mencarum pekerja masing-masing.

“Ramai majikan mula sedar kepentingan mencarum pekerja dengan Perkeso menerusi pelaksanaan kempen kesedaran sebelum ini.

“Bagaimanapun, Perkeso terus berusaha untuk menyedarkan majikan yang masih tidak mahu membuat caruman. Majikan yang ingkar akan dikenakan tindakan tegas,” katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian pada Program Seranta Perkeso dan Dewan Perniagaan Cina Jerantut, dekat sini.

Hadir sama, Pengurus Besar Bahagian Perancangan dan Hal Ehwal Korporat Perkeso, Mohd Rosdi Mat Yasin serta Pengerusi Dewan Perniagaan Cina Pahang, Datuk Sri Lim Ah Chap.

Mohd Shahar berkata, terdapat sebanyak 57,639 kes kemalangan ketika pergi dan pulang kerja dilaporkan pada 2010, manakala 59,897 kes pada 2011.

Menurutnya, pada tahun lalu, kes tersebut semakin menurun kepada 40,834 sekali gus menunjukkan pekerja makin sedar untuk lebih berhati-hati ketika berulang-alik ke tempat kerja.

“Perkeso Pahang akan terus menjalankan kempen kesedaran keselamatan ketika berulang alik ke tempat kerja supaya mereka lebih berhati-hati bagi mengelak terbabit dalam sebarang kemalangan,” katanya.


Pihak Syarikat perlu membuktikan bahawa Yang Menuntut telah melakukan salahlaku dengan mengemukakan keterangan-keterangan yang kukuh dan meyakinkan (cogent and convincing).Prinsip ini telah disebut dengan jelas di dalam kes
Stamford Executive Centre v Dharsini Ganesan
[1986] 1 ILR 101;

“It may further be emphasised here that in a dismissal case the employer must produce convincing evidence that the workman committed the offence or offences the workman is alleged to have committed for which he has been dismissed. The burden of proof lies on the employer.
He must prove the workman guilty and it is not the workman who must prove himself not guilty. This isso basic a principle of industrial jurisprudence that noemployer is expected to come to this Court in ignorance of it."

Sign White House petition on precarious work in Korea | Industriall

Sign White House petition on precarious work in Korea | Industriall

 Korean Metal Workers’ Union petition the U.S. White House to demand that Chung Mong-Koo, chairman of Hyundai Motor Company, accept the Supreme Court ruling to grant permanent employment to precarious workers.

 On 22 July 2010 the Korean Supreme Court made a verdict in favour of a Hyundai Motor subcontract worker’s suit, submitted by Choi Byeong-seung in 2005, ruling the worker be promoted to a permanent employeestatus. Hyundai again appealed the landmark Supreme Court ruling of 2010, but Choi Byeong-seung won the final and definitive decision on 23 February 2012.
This decision established a precedent for change in the Korean automotive industry, which continues to make extensive use of a subcontracted workforce to extract additional profits. Now Hyundai is claiming the decision only relates to the individual worker and refuses to apply theprinciple to other workers in the exact same positions at Choi Byeong-seung.
The precarious workers have been carrying out strikes at Hyundai Motor in Korea and protest actions, symbolized by the aerial protest on top of a pylon in front of Hyundai Motor plant in Ulsan demanding implementation of the court decision:
Please sign the petition to ask the White House to take a stand on Hyundai Motor Chairman Chung Mong-Koo’s non-compliance with the Supreme Court precarious workers’ ruling.
If 25,000 signatures are collected between 10 January 2013 and 8 February 2013, the Obama administration will need to take a stand on this crucial struggle of precarious workers to seek accountability from the transnational corporations using illegal work arrangements to circumvent responsibility for their employees.
The Petition to White House can be accessed at with additional detailed instructions available at KMWU website

5,000 Jakarta workers rally for wages | Industriall

5,000 Jakarta workers rally for wages | Industriall

 Trade unions led 5,000 workers in a mass rally in Jakarta on 16 January denouncing the government’s decision to exempt over 900 companies from paying the increased minimum wages as agreed in November 2012.

The 16 January 2013 rally marched from in front of Jakarta`s Metropolitan Police Office at 9am to the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources’ and then to the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration (Ministry of Labour). The police and military deployed 9,000 officers to oversee the demonstration.
The second demand of the rally was for government to block the proposed increase to electricity prices that will drastically reduce workers’ purchasing power.
A month after Indonesian unions mobilized 3 million workers in massive rallies on 3 October 2012 the Jakarta minimum wage was set to be raised from US$157 to US$230 for the year 2013.
Around 986 companies, mostly in the shoes, garment and textile industries have since sent letters to the Labour Ministry asking to be exempt from paying the new minimum wage until next year at least, and 46 labour-intensive firms already have approval. Many of those 986 companies are continuing to use the military and yellow unions to intimidate workers from organizing into democratic unions.
The powerful Federation of Indonesian Metal Workers' Union FSPMI led by president Said Iqbal mobilized thousands of metalworkers. Iqbal is also president of trade union confederation KSPI which also rallied members to the march. The new Indonesian workers' council MPBI, that united the country’s three major trade union confederations (KSPI, KSBSI, and KSPSI), also participated.
Said Iqbal argues that the Ministry of Labour only has the right to grant exemptions to companies under one of two sets of circumstances. Either the company has been shown in an audit to have made a loss in each of the past two years, or that an agreement has been reached with workers to delay the salary increase.

Electrolux imprisons then sacks workers in Thailand | Industriall

Electrolux imprisons then sacks workers in Thailand | Industriall Electrolux imprisons then sacks workers in Thailand | Industriall

 Refusing to negotiate with workers’ representatives, Electrolux management in Thailand locked up over 100 workers for 8 hours, including a pregnant woman, then sacked 127 workers including the local union president of the Rayong plant.

In a letter addressed to the company management in Sweden, which is signatory to an International Framework Agreement on workers’ rights, IndustriALL Global Union joined with Swedish union IF Metall in expressing outrage at the unjust and anti-union actions of Electrolux Thailand.
On 11 January 2013 Electrolux Thailand management called a meeting of all workers at 8am and announced a two-month bonus, but then refused to discuss the workers demands for fair wage increases and permanent employment for agency workers after 6 months.
Instead the managers forcibly removed the union president, Phaiwan Metha, from the meeting throwing him onto the street and dismissing him. When the gathered workers learnt of the dismissal they continued to sit on the floor and demanded his reinstatement and return.
Management then called security and police and surrounded the workers, preventing them from leaving for 8 hours, including a pregnant woman in her sixth month who tried to leave. At 5pm the workers were released, one by one by the security guards. The workers returned to work on 14 January to find written dismissal notice for 127 workers.
The dismissals followed more than a month of efforts by the union to negotiate on the new minimum wage and annual wage adjustments due to be implemented by 25 January 2013. The management had refused to accept the proposals by the union and instead attempted to impose wage adjustments that had not been agreed to.
In the letter to Electrolux IndustriALL General Secretary Jyrki Raina states that the company’s actions “constitutes a crystal clear union-busting attempt to force upon workers an unfair collective bargaining process”.
“I strongly urge you to use your influence to immediately reinstate the dismissed workers and union members and return to the collective bargaining table to achieve a fair and just resolution of this conflict as well as create a constructive relationship between labour and management,” writes Raina.
The union at the plant in Thailand was formed in 2010 at which time it managed to negotiate a collective agreement that is due for renewal this year. The products of the Electrolux plant include washing machines, refrigerators and other electrical appliances for European and Asian markets.
The dismissed workers are now fighting against the management’s unjust union busting tactics and have submitted their grievances to the Parliament’s Labour Commission.