Karyawan PT DI Puas Tuntutan Dikabulkan Direksi

Bandung - Ribuan karyawan PT DI akhirnya bisa bernapas lega. Tuntutan tunjangan makan dan tunjangan keluarga dipenuhi direksi. Direktur Utama PT DI Budi Santoso menjanjikan pembayaran uang makan dan tunjangan keluarga pada gaji Februari ini. Hal itu pun ditanggapi positif karyawan.

ILO: Tougher measures needed to curb forced labour

According to an ILO report, the need to deter would-be perpetrators is widely recognized, but more effort is needed to identify cases of forced labour and to prevent the crime.

GENEVA (ILO) – A new ILO report highlights the need for tougher measures to combat forced labour, which claims 21 million victims worldwide – men, women and children coerced into jobs they can’t leave, trapped in debt bondage, trafficked for sexual exploitation and even born into slavery.

Efforts to prevent, identify and prosecute cases of forced labour often fall short of what is needed, despite good practices in some countries, the International Labour Organization said, in a report prepared ahead of meeting of experts on forced labour representing governments, workers and employers (February 11-15, 2013).

Many forced labour victims work hidden from public view, on fishing vessels and construction sites, in commercial agriculture and in factories.

Golden Palm says minimum wages will attract workers

Upah minimum akan tarik minat pekerja

GUA MUSANG Feb  – A leading player in the plantation industry says the industry should follow through with the minimum wage policy as it will be attractive to workers “It would really help as it only incurs cost in the near term ”