Monday, January 27, 2014

SINGAPORE::: S’pore workers most unhappy in Asia

According to Ranstad's World of Work Report 64% of Singaporeans planned to quit
 their job within the next 12 months.

SINGAPORE: Singapore may be a banking
 and trade center with world-class amenities
 and high per capita income but its workers
 are grossly unhappy and wanting to quit
 their jobs.
A recent survey posted an unprecedented level
 of public discontent over the rising cost of living
 and competition from foreign workers.
According to Ranstad’s World of Work
 Report  64% of Singaporeans planned to quit
 their job within the next 12 months.

MALAYSIA:::MTUC desak kerajaan tidak layan kecualikan gaji minima

Gaji minima wajib dikuatkuasakan kerana kenaikan kos sara hidup
SHAH ALAM: Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Malaysia (MTUC) mendesak Kerajaan Pusat tidak melayan permintaan mana-mana pihak yang meminta pengecualian daripada melaksanakan sistem gaji minima RM900.
Timbalan Presidennya, Abdullah Sani (gambar) berkata gaji minima wajib dikuatkuasakan kerana kenaikan kos sara hidup.
Katanya, MTUC sendiri akan membantah sekiranya ada pihak yang dikecualikan daripada perlaksanaan ini.

ILO:::839 million workers live on less than $2 a day

dollarsThe International Labour Organisation (ILO) has hinted that despite the number of working poor continues to decline globally, 375 million workers (or 11.9 per cent of total employment) are esti­mated to live on less than US$1.25 per day in 2013.

MALAYSIA:::Setuju cuti bersalin lebih, bayi dua bulan kurang sesuai ke pusat jagaan - Pakar

Setuju cuti bersalin lebih, bayi dua bulan kurang sesuai ke pusat jagaan - Pakar
Sebahagian ibu dan jururawat bergambar bersama anak mereka yang selamat dilahirkan pada tarikh 1 Januari 2014 di Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL). --foto BERNAMA

KUALA LUMPUR: Menghantar bayi kurang dari tiga bulan ke pusat jagaan adalah kurang sesuai kerana bayi seawal itu masih belum stabil, kata Prof. Datin Noor Aziah Mohd Awal, Profesor Undang-Undang Keluarga, Wanita, dan Kanak-kanak, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).

MALAYSIA::: PATI bawa ancaman kesihatan

Eksklusif: PATI bawa ancaman kesihatan
Kuala Lumpur: Kementerian Kesihatan menyifatkan kebanjiran pendatang asing tanpa izin (PATI) yang dilaporkan mencecah 400,000 orang sebagai ancaman kepada keselamatan negara.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

MALAYSIA:::Gaji minima RM900 belum dilaksana

Ramai pekerja masih dibayar gaji RR600 sahaja dan juga tidak mempunyai cuti bagi mereka untuk sambut majlis keluarga, perayaan sendiri.
PETALING JAYA: Gaji minima RM900 kepada pekerja-pekerja kilang dan  industri masih belum dilaksanakan oleh banyak  syarikat, kata Presiden Pertubuhan Progresif Tamilar Malaysia M.A. Kalaimugilan.
Beliau berkata, kerajaan sudah pun menetapkan gaji minima kadar masa untuk berkerja supaya menjaga nasib dan kebajikan pekerja, tetapi ada yang banyak syarikat/ pemilik yang keras kepala masih enggan mengamalkan.

MALAYSIA:::Socso asked to provide more info on health screening to employees

MARAN: The Social Security Organisation (Socso) needs to provide more information on its free health screening campaign by explaining the need for employees to undergo medical examinations, said Deputy Human Resource Minister Datuk Ismail Abd Muttalib.
He said the free health screening scheme that Socso implemented last year, for which the government allocated RM200 million, had not received the desired response.

Friday, January 24, 2014

MALAYSIA:::Ekonomi Islam vs Ekonomi Kapitalis

  • Ekonomi Islam vs Ekonomi Kapitalis
HARI ini, harga barangan keperluan yang menjadi kegunaan seharian masyarakat di negara kita melambung tinggi sehingga boleh dikatakan masyarakat terbeban dengan situasi ini.
Ternyata kita gagal mencapai keseimbangan ekonomi dan merapatkan jurang antara kaya dan miskin, malah ia semakin membesar. Kegagalan ini hakikatnya adalah hasil daripada sistem kapitalisme yang penuh dengan kepincangan dan kesalahan. Sistem ciptaan manusia ini ternyata gagal memberi kesejahteraan kepada umat, malah jauh menyimpang daripada ajaran Islam.

MALAYSIA:::Gangguan seksual di tempat kerja

Gangguan seksual di tempat kerja
Ramai mangsa tidak yakin buat laporan terutama kepada majikan

Natasya, 27, (bukan nama sebenar), setiausaha kepada seorang pengurus kanan sebuah syarikat. Wajah cantik dan personaliti menarik. 

Natasya kerap diganggu rakan sekerja lelaki yang suka datang mengejut di belakangnya sambil mengusap bahu, menyentuh wajah, memegang tangan, payudara dan cuba menciumnya. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

ILO head emphasizes importance of employment

GENEVA, Jan. 23 (Xinhua) -- International Labor Organization (ILO) Director-General Guy Ryder says employment needs to be emphasized at the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting, which started Wednesday in Davos.

MALAYSIA:::Socso baffled

An overwhelming majority of the 1.9 million workers registered with the Social Security Organisation (Socso) appear uninterested in using the organisation's free health screening facility.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

You’d be surprised at how poor the new ‘middle class’ is in the developing world

File photo of workers at a factory in Shenzhen, China, owned by Taiwan company Foxconn [AFP]
Topics:  ♦ 

The International Labour Organisation has identified a rapid growth of ‘the developing middle class’ – a group earning between $4 and $13 a day
When a million people swarmed on to the streets of Brazil last June there was consensus that the protest was a phenomenon of the “new middle class” – squeezed by corruption and failing infrastructure. As the Thai protests continue, these too are labelled middle class: office workers staging flashmobs in their neat, pressed shirts.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

ILO::Egypt:::Future unemployment rates to be affected by FDI

The GET report draws direct correlation between FDI and employment
The report indicated that around 30% of working males in Egypt are overeducated for the current position they hold while around 10% are undereducated.  (DNE File Photo)
The report indicated that around 30% of working males in Egypt are overeducated for the current position they hold while around 10% are undereducated.
(DNE File Photo)
With the government having pledged high rates of foreign direct investment (FDI) over the coming period, the latest report issued by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) points out that FDI’s ability to affect unemployment rates is largely dependent on the sector to which it is directed.
Basing its research in 2011, the report noted that “in Egypt, 45% of total FDI inflows were directed to the petroleum sector. Not only are these sectors capital-intensive, they also offer job opportunities for a very limited number of occupations.”
The 2014 Global Employment Trends (GET) report added that petroleum engineers represent a large part of Egypt’s labour demand, employees for which many MENA countries cannot domestically provide, and thus are positions largely fulfilled by foreign workers.

INDIA:::Haryana roadways employees union split over strike

Leaders of the Uttaranchal Roadways Employees’ Union 

Chandigarh Roadways employees union in Haryana today split over the issue of strike with some sections calling off the stir after government accepted "most of their demands" even as some two lakh workers of different departments, boards and corporations struck work.

ILO:::Global unemployment on rise despite economic recovery

International Labour Organisation warns of 'jobless recovery' with unemployment on the increase even though economic conditions are improving

Global unemployment climbed by five million people in 2013 to 202 million despite green shoots in the world economy, signalling a jobless recovery, the International Labour Organisation says.

Monday, January 20, 2014

South African:::Amplats Majority Union Votes for Strike to Hobble Platinum Mines

The South African labor union representing the majority of workers at Anglo American Platinum Ltd. (AMS) voted to strike over wages at the world’s largest producer of the metal, adding to walkouts planned at Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd. (IMP) and Lonmin Plc. (LMI)

Sunday, January 19, 2014

INDIA::: Railway union ballot: 90% employees in favour of strike

VADODARA: A majority of railwaymen are in favour of a strike to press for their long-standing demands. This was stated by officials of National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (NFIR), who had conducted a strike ballot for two days to knowthe views of the railway employees, on Saturday.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Persecution of Indian Holcim cement workers continues, 7 jailed

The case of Indian cement workers in the facilities of Swiss based multinational giant Holcim in Chhattisgarh has come to represent the worst trend of worker exploitation in the global supply chain. Permanent employees were shifted to contract status, paid poverty wages in a deadly environment and stripped of union rights. Now, on 8 January the leaders of the contract worker trade union PCSS, otherwise ignored by Holcim, were imprisoned on sham charges pressed by former company security officers.

Friday, January 17, 2014

MALAYSIA:::Kenapa kaum ibu berpendapat 60 hari cuti bersalin tidak mencukupi.

Kenapa kaum ibu berpendapat 60 hari cuti bersalin tidak mencukupi?
Gambar Hiasan
KUALA LUMPUR: Golongan ibu mengeluh betapa cuti bersalin yang ditetapkan sebanyak 60 sehingga 90 hari sememangnya tidak mencukupi selain tidak cukup rehat selepas bercuti.

Menurut beberapa pengalaman para ibu yang dihubungi Astro AWANI hubungi, rata-ratanya memberitahu pengalaman yang sama iaitu harus menyambung rutin berjaga pagi menjaga anak selepas waktu bekerja.

Lebih-lebih lagi kepada ibu yang tidak mempunyai pembantu rumah, masa rehat memang tiada langsung sebaik sahaja anak dilahirkan.

“Ramai berpendapat cuti bersalin adalah waktu ‘honeymoon’ hanya kerana waktu cuti itu dilihat panjang iaitu selama 60 hari, padahal tidak” kata ibu beranak satu, Syarmeira Salleh, 29.

MALAYSIA:::Majikan mesti utama pekerja warga tempatan

Peraturan baru di restoran makanan segera permulaan elak bergantung tenaga kerja asing

Keputusan Jawatankuasa Kabinet Mengenai Pekerja Asing dan Pendatang Asing Tanpa Izin (JKKA-PATI) minggu lalu yang melarang semua restoran berkonsep makanan segera menggaji warga asing, seharusnya menjadi langkah pertama ke arah mengurangkan kebergantungan kepada rakyat luar mengisi kekosongan dalam pelbagai sektor pekerjaan di negara ini

ETUC and IndustriAll welcome European Parliament report on Reindustrialising Europe

The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and IndustriAll European Trade Union welcome the adoption by the European Parliament of the report Reindustrialising Europe to Promote Competitiveness and Sustainability.

"This report underlines the importance of a strong industry to support lasting and quality jobs in Europe," said Jozef Niemiec, ETUC Deputy General Secretary. "Encouraging the reindustrialisation of Europe through the mobilisation of adequate financial means and through support for innovation is essential for Europe to get out of the crisis".

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Cambodia, ILO jointly launch job services, labor market information project with Chinese aid

PHNOM PENHJan. 16 - Cambodia and the International Labor Organization (ILOonThursday launched a new project to expand job services and improve labor marketinformation with funding from Chinaaccording to an ILO media statement.

MALAYSIA>>Tindakan Terhadap Majikan Gagal Laksana Pembayaran Gaji Minimum

PUTRAJAYA, 16 Jan (Bernama) -- Kerajaan akan mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap majikan yang masih gagal melaksanakan perintah gaji minimum 2012, kata Timbalan Menteri Sumber Manusia Datuk Ismail Abdul Muttalib.

MALAYSIA::: 2 EPF Properties For Sale

Pic: Pic: www.gurneyhotel.netTWO properties belonging to the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) on Penang island are up for sale.
They are Northam All Suite Hotel in Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah and Gurney Resort Hotel and Residences in Gurney Drive.
"So far, there are no takers for the properties, which are sited at strategic locations," a source said.
It is learnt that the asking price for The Northam, which comprises 142 suites, is RM50 million, while Gurney Resort (with 259 suites) is said to be priced at RM100 million.

MALAYSIA:::Bukan penyelesaian kurang beban rakyat

  • Bukan penyelesaian kurang beban rakyatPPIM berpandangan kaedah terbaik tangani kenaikan harga barang ialah dengan mewujudkan kerjasama yang bersepadu antara kementerian.-Gambar hiasan
SHAH ALAM - Tindakan kerajaan menubuhkan Jawatankuasa Khas Menangani Kos Sara Hidup bukan penyelesaian mengurangkan beban rakyat, sebaliknya membuktikan kerajaan tiada perancangan sebelum melaksanakan sesuatu perkara.

NIGERIA>>Informal sector leads job creation in Nigeria

According to the International LabourOrganisation (ILO), Africa’s working-age population is estimated to have reached over 490 million in 2012, representing a quantum leap of 259% since 2000 at an annual compound growth rate of 2.8%. Therefore, employment of the continent’s teeming labour population is key to economic development within the region and indeed, globally.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

MALAYSIA>>Gaji tak selaras punca ramai buat 'part time'

  • WangGambar hiasan. Sumber Google.
PELARASAN gaji tidak seiring dengan kenaikan harga barang keperluan menjadi punca utama peningkatan kos sara hidup menyebabkan orang ramai tiada pilihan lain sehingga terpaksa bekerja sambilan.

Pensyarah Kanan yang juga Ketua Program bahagian Peruncitan Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), Dr Wee Yu Ghee berkata, disebabkan peningkatan taraf hidup, ramai yang terpaksa bekerja lebih daripada satu kerja.

MALAYSIA>>Purata pemberian bonus kekal

Majikan di Malaysia dijangka mengekalkan pemberian bonus pada kadar sama tahun lalu susulan petunjuk pemulihan dalam ekonomi negara disokong unjuran keseluruhan perdagangan dunia yang positif.

MALAYSIA:::Kerajaan patut urus ambil pekerja asing

Kerajaan patut urus ambil pekerja asing
Kuala Lumpur: Sudah tiba masanya semua urusan pengambilan pekerja asing diambil alih sepenuhnya agensi kerajaan atau kerajaan dengan kerajaan (G2G), bukan lagi melalui khidmat ejen. 

Presiden Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Malaysia (MTUC), Mohd Khalid Atan, berkata langkah itu memastikan rekod dan data lengkap serta jumlah pekerja asing sah atau tidak sah di negara ini dipantau dengan lebih sistematik. 

ILO to publish annual report on global employment trends

GENEVA (ILO News) - The International Labour Organization (ILO) is to launch its annual report "Global Employment Trends 2014" on Wednesday 22 January.

The study offers the latest global and regional information and projections on several indicators of the labour market, including employment, unemployment, working poverty and vulnerable employment.

COMBODIA>>ITUC expresses concern over jailed trade union members

Statement on Cambodia, 13 January, 2014
The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the ITUC Asia-Pacific and IndustriALL-SE Asia Office (the global union federation branch representing garment workers in this region) have today completed an urgent four-day mission to Cambodia to respond to the workers’ rights crisis in the country. As with workers, governments and employers from around the world, we were horrified by the serious human rights violations that were committed here in recent weeks, including the use of deadly force by security forces to quell the protests in the industrial zones.