Friday, April 25, 2014

MALAYSIA:::MTUC expects 100,000 for May Day rally

PETALING JAYA — The Malaysian Trades Union Congress expects at least 100,000 participants comprising workers and representatives of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to attend its May Day rally at Dataran Petaling Jaya on Thursday.
The rally, which MTUC said would be peaceful, is to champion the rights of workers and raise issues affecting them.
At a press conference at the MTUC office in Subang Jaya, the congress’s chairman, Wan Noorulazhar Hanafiah, stressed the rally and the one planned planned for Dataran Merdeka were not the same event.


Thursday, April 24, 2014

MTUC: 2 million workers yet to be paid minimum wage

PETALING JAYA: Some two million workers in Malaysia are still not being paid the minimum wage since the Minimum Wage Act came into force in January last year.
Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) deputy president Abdullah Sani Abdul Hamid said the figure involves a workforce in some 60 to 100 companies in the country which did not comply with the Act.
"This is the known figure. However, the number does not include other companies, which were not reported, which did adhere to the Act," he said.

MALAYSIA:::Kesatuan sekerja anjur satu lagi demo 1 Mei

Selain perhimpunan besar membantah Cukai Barangan dan Perkhidmatan (GST) di Kuala Lumpur yang disokong pembangkang, satu lagi perhimpunan membawakan isu sama dianjurkan kesatuan sekerja pada tarikh sama.


 lirik syed shahir / dinsman dengan kerjasama BELIA MTUC

Pengisytiharan 1 Mei sebagai Hari Pekerja di Malaysia hanya bermula pada tahun 1972. Pengisytiharan ini juga adalah hasil usaha gigih para proletariat negara pada masa lalu yang didorong oleh semangat perjuangan untuk mendapatkan waktu bekerja yang adil di samping menentang penindasan dan penekanan oleh pihak majikan.

click SHARE dan sebarkan walaupun pada seorang rakan...........

SAMBUTAN HARI PEKERJA 2014 ......TUJUH hari lagi....., pada 1 Mei, kita akan menyambut acara tahunan Hari Pekerja.

Apa sebenarnya maksud hari cuti ini?

Adakah ia hari beristirehat semata-mata?

Atau hari untuk berhibur dan pergi “shopping” jualan murah?




Thursday, April 17, 2014

Asal-usul Hari Pekerja – Rosa Luxemburg (1894)

Dua minggu lagi, pada 1 Mei, kita akan menyambut acara tahunan Hari Pekerja. Apa sebenarnya maksud hari cuti ini? Adakah ia hari beristirehat semata-mata? Atau hari untuk berhibur dan pergi “shopping” jualan murah?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

MALAYSIA:::Cadang perlindungan lebih baik pekerja asing

PETALING JAYA - Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Penasihat Kedua Kaukus Antara Parlimen Mengenai Penghijrahan Buruh dan misi mencari fakta ke Malaysia mencadangkan agar negara pengeksport pekerja dan kerajaan Malaysia menandatangani memorandum persefahaman (MoU) bagi memelihara dan memberi perlindungan lebih baik terhadap hak pekerja asing di Malaysia.

MALAYSIA:::Can you survive on minimum wage in M’sia?

Living on less than RM1000 a month is tricky business indeed so in the interest of curiosity, this article will attempt to look into the lives of minimum wage workers to determine how they survive in Malaysia.
images (1)
There has been and will continue to be a lot of talk about minimum wage recently due to the enforcement of the new ruling in January 2014. The minimum monthly income was set at RM900 for peninsular Malaysia and RM800 for east Malaysia.
The announcement has been met with mixed reviews thus far, with several Malaysians arguing that the amount is insufficient, considering the recent surge in the cost of living. Conversely, some Malaysians feel that the law decreases the competitiveness of the nation’s industries while doing more to benefit foreign laborers rather than locals. Some business heads also lamented that it would in turn force them to raise prices even more.

Rio Tinto heavily blamed by protesters over 41 mine worker deaths

Global trade union IndustriAll accuses Anglo-Australian firm of 'very wide breaches of fundamental rights' in failure over safety
IndustriAll global union protesters llobby Rio Tinto Zinc's AGM in London
IndustriAll global union protesters llobby Rio Tinto Zinc's AGM in London. Photograph: Sean Smith

Protesters and unions from around the world heavily criticise miningcompany Rio Tinto on Tuesday over alleged lapses in safety leading to the deaths of 41 people and a string of claimed environmental abuses.
Global trade union IndustriAll, which represents 50 million industrial workers across the world, accused Rio of "very wide breaches of fundamental rights" and said the Anglo-Australian mining company could have done more to prevent the 41 deaths last year.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

More workers are killed in the shipyards of Bangladesh - Lives before profits

While the terrible conditions for garments workers in Bangladesh are now routinely discussed in the world’s media, they are not the only workers suffering a terrible price in the ‘Race to the Bottom’. The industry of shipbreaking is concentrated in the three South Asian countries of Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. These workplaces are notoriously anti union, conditions are appalling and deaths of workers frequent. Early this month, another four workers were killed in a workplace accident in Chittagong, Bangladesh. History has shown that only by workers themselves forming independent unions can this slaughter of human beings be brought to an end. source:::

Trade unionist in jail in Iran close to death - Free Shahrokh Zamani

The situation for workers, and in particular, worker activists continues to remain grim in Iran, with many in jail. Shahrokh Zamani, a member of the Syndicate of Paint Workers of Tehran and the Committee to Pursue the Establishment of Workers Organisations was sentenced to 11years of jail in 2011 for the crime of labour organising. Shahrokh has now been on hunger strike for a month in a prison in Karaj city. There is aninternational campaign to demand his unconditional release.

Chinese worker facing up to three years jail for organising strike

It has been almost a year since Wu Guijun was detained for organising a strike at the Diweixin Product Factory in Shenzhen. The trial for these ‘offences’ has just started, with Wu facing up to three years in prison if convicted. In contrast to past trials of worker activists, the proceedings are not only open, but at his hearing, there was a large group of supporters and fellow workers to support him. This is indicative that recent labour wins by Chinese workers are part of a growing confidence by workers to stand up for their rights.

Journalists are workers, time to end the repression against them

Australian journalist Peter Greste’s detention in an Egyptian jail on trumped up charges is one of the many dangers that journalists face as they try to do their job. Many other journalists in the region have felt the weight of authority via abductionsarrests or being murdered. In Turkey alone, there are currently over 40 journalists serving jail time because of their news covering. The situation has become so intolerable that the International Federation of Journalists have initiated an international campaign to raise awareness of the danger that journalists face and calling for their protection.

The fight against exploitation in Thailand continues on many fronts

The current political crisis in Thailand has reached an impasse with both sides of the ruling class not able to defeat the other. Nevertheless, this impasse has serious implications for workers and other activists. Recent debates have now raised the issue of racism with attempts to scapegoat migrant workers from Burma – who are routinely employed in the worst paying and most dangerous jobs (see here and here). The repressive Lese Majeste law is still continuing to be used against activists and others, like Somyot languish in jail. Meanwhile, the class struggle for workers continues at their workplace. source:::

Casualisation and insecure work is hitting Japanese workers

In late March, thousands of dockworkerswent on strike for the right to retain industry wide bargaining and for real wage increases. They also wanted an end to the increasing use of casualised and contractualised workers. In the same month, workers at Japan Post also took action calling for a halt to casualisation. As in many other countries, the ability for workers to organise is being undercut by the increasing use of casual and contract workers. Even in a sensitive industry like nuclear power, many workers faceinsecure employment conditions.

PAKISTAN:::Government, stakeholders asked to give due rights to textile workers

Karachi: The rights of textile workers in Pakistan go neglected and all the stakeholders including government should take steps to address their issues, said Nasir Mansoor of National Trade Union Federation Pakistan (NTUF).

ILO to take up Nepalese migrants issue with Qatar

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) will send a high-level mission to Qatar to identify immediate and long-term plan of actions for improving the working condition of Nepalese migrant workers there. 

The international organisation will send a delegation to initiate dialogue with Qatari authorities on the issue, ILO's  Pacific region Director Yoshiteru Uramoto said during his meeting with Prime Minister Sushil Koirala yesterday. 

MALAYSIA:::Report: EPF Property Investment Returns Exceed Expectations, Says Auditor-General Report

KUALA LUMPUR, April 7 (Bernama) -- The returns of the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) property investment in 2013 have exceeded the target, said the first series of the Auditor-General Report 2013.

The report findings, tabled at the Parliament Monday, said that EPF received gross investment income of RM1.14 billion for investment in property and infrastructure last year, compared to annual target of RM930 million, which is an achievement of 122.5 per cent, in line with the increase in property and infrastructure investment.

ILO:::International Labour Standards on Migrant workers

The growing pace of economic globalization has created more migrant workers than ever before. Unemployment and increasing poverty have prompted many workers in developing countries to seek work elsewhere, while developed countries have increased their demand for labour, especially unskilled labour. As a result, millions of workers and their families travel to countries other than their own to find work. At present there are approximately 175 million migrants around the world, roughly half of them workers (of these, around 15% are estimated to have an irregular status). Women make up almost half of migrants. Migrant workers contribute to the economies of their host countries, and the remittances they send home help to boost the economies of their countries of origin. Yet at the same time migrant workers often enjoy little social protection and are vulnerable to exploitation and human trafficking. Skilled migrant workers are less vulnerable to exploitation, but their departure has deprived some developing countries of valuable labour needed for their own economies. ILO standards on migration provide tools for both migrant sending and receiving countries to manage migration flows and ensure adequate protection for this vulnerable category of workers. (Note 1)

Workers in Turkey face continuing repression

The last few years have been very tough for workers in Turkey with union busting at companies such asTurkish Airlines and Punto Deri. Georg Fischer Hakan Plastik, a global Swiss company, has now also embarked on this path as it has recently dismissed 37 workers for union related activities. This stand by the company has to be seen within the context of the social struggles of the last year where repression against activists has been widespread.

Chinese workers employed at Samsung win pay rise

As reported in a number of previous posts (see here and here) workers in China are starting to increase their demands for better pay and conditions. The latest case involves the giant electronic company Samsung, which in its home country of South Korea, is notoriously anti union and has a dismal OHS record. In the southern city of Dongguan, over 1,000 workers were able to win increases to overtime rates and subsidies after a short strike. In a move that is meant to forestall more industrial disputes, three major Chinese cities announced increases to minimum wages.

Toyota car workers in India strike for better wages

Over 4,000 car workers in the southern town of Bangalore have been fighting their employer over wages and conditions for the last three weeks. What started as a limited strike, was followed by a company lockout, and has now become a standoff with workers refusing to sign a company’s ‘good conduct’ agreement before going back to work. Union leaders have now started a hunger strike. This dispute is indicative of the ongoing push by global companies such as Toyota, into regions that have low wages and costs, but also of workers’ growing awareness of their role in the global economy and their opposition to the ‘Race to the bottom’. To be effective in fighting global companies like Toyota, the Indian Toyota workers need to organise industrial actions with Toyota workers in other countries.

Garment workers continue fighting in Cambodia and Bangladesh

The last couple of years have seen continued mobilisations and repression in both Bangladesh and Cambodia. In Bangladesh, as the one year anniversary of the massacre of Rana Plaza approaches, theglobal campaign for compensation for the victims continues. Just last week, Sumaya Khatun, a 16 year old who worked at the Tazreen factory, died from the after effects of the fire in that factory. In Cambodia, another mass fainting episode has occurred due to toxic chemicals in the workplace while unions arefinding new ways to keep up the campaign for a living wage and minimising the dangers of further government repression. Next week, some of the labour activists arrested in the January crackdown in Cambodia may be granted bail, while the fight to find the killers of murdered union leader Chea Vichea continues. Click here for video.

MALAYSIA:::Enforce Minimum Wage Law, Education Ministry Urged

Deputy Education Minister II P. Kamalanathan’s remarked on Saturday that the ministry was not responsible for salaries paid to the contract workers. Pic: The Malay MailDeputy Education Minister II P. Kamalanathan’s remarked on Saturday that the ministry was not responsible for salaries paid to the contract workers. Pic: The Malay MailPETALING JAYA: The Education Ministry must be responsible for third-party contract workers in schools not earning the minimum RM900 wage monthly, the Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) said yesterday.
MTUC president Khalid Atan, who raised the matter recently, said at least 60,000 workers, mainly locals hired as guards, cleaners and gardeners, in schools had been affected since the policy was implemented last year.
Khalid said the workers only received between RM400 and RM600, which was not enough for them to pull through the month.
“Although the ministry does not directly employ the workers, it gives the authorisation to the third party to hire these workers. Therefore, something should be done to ensure they are not cheated,” he said.
Khalid was commenting o

Friday, April 4, 2014

MALAYSIA:::Gaji minimum: Pekerja kontrak sekolah belum terima

  • Khalid Atan
PETALING JAYA - Lebih 60,000 pekerja kontrak dalam sektor pelajaran di seluruh negara belum menikmati gaji minimum seperti yang ditetapkan kerajaan, kata presiden Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Malaysia (MTUC) Mohd Khalid Atan.   
Bercakap kepada Bernama di sini hari ini, beliau berkata pekerja terbabit, termasuk pencuci, tukang kebun, pengawal keselamatan dan warden lalu lintas, masih dibayar gaji lama dengan kadar purata RM400 dan RM600 sebulan. 
Oleh itu, beliau menggesa Kementerian Pendidikan segera memberi perhatian terhadap nasib golongan berkenaan yang menghadapi keperitan akibat kenaikan kos sara hidup. 
Dasar gaji minimum RM900 sebulan di Semenanjung Malaysia dan RM800 sebulan bagi Sabah dan Sarawak, berkuatkuasa pada 1 Jan 2013, tetapi hanya dilaksanakan sepenuhnya Januari tahun ini. 
Bagaimanapun, ada juga majikan diberi pengecualian lanjutan hingga 1 April lepas untuk melaksanakannya. 
Khalid menyeru Kementerian Sumber Manusia meningkatkan urusan penguatkuasaannya untuk memastikan dasar itu dipatuhi semua pihak.
Beliau berkata MTUC difahamkan bahawa kementerian itu tidak mempunyai pegawai penguatkuasa secukupnya untuk berbuat demikian dan jika perkara itu benar, MTUC sedia membantu. 
Khalid mengesyorkan agar pemimpin bahagian MTUC membantu dalam urusan penguatkuasaan dasar itu. - Bernama

MALAYSIA:::MTUC urges govt to set meeting on COLA

PETALING JAYA: Private sector workers want the government to initiate a meeting between them and employers on the need to have a cost-of-living allowance (COLA) to cope with price hikes.
Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) president Mohd Khalid Atan told theSun that the government should take the lead in the matter instead of asking them and the Malaysian Employers Federation to have direct discussions on the matter.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

MALAYSIA:::Socso to nail errant employers nationwide starting May

KUALA LUMPUR: The Social Security Organisation (Socso) will launch a massive operation nationwide starting May 5 to track down employers, who failed to register their workers with the organisation.
Its chief executive Datuk K. Selvarajah said, as of December last year, only six million employees were covered under the scheme with some 393,359 employers, who actively contributed to it.
He said a total of 3,096 employers were compounded a total of RM2.788 million last year for various offences, including failure to register their enterprises and employees as well as delays in reporting accidents.

MALAYSIA::: EPF .......Who is your beneficiary?

PETALING JAYA: Despite heavy campaigning by Employees Provident Fund (EPF) to get more contributors to nominate a beneficiary for their savings, many have yet to do so.
EPF public relations general manager Nik Affendi Jaafar told theSun contributors needed to understand the importance of nominating a beneficiary.

MALAYSIA:::MTUC’s Sarawak’s final response

FMT LETTER: From Andrew Low, via email
Medecci began his rebuttal to MTUC with this ;
I invite Andrew to read for greater understanding of its fundamentals and principles. Libertarian is about normative discipline, methodological individualism, voluntary association, non-aggression principles and private property rights. So I am proud to be both in these groups of thought. I am blessed indeed.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

MALAYSIA:::Collective Agreement deadlock at Central Elastic Cooperation,Prai, Penang Malaysia

Collective Agreement deadlock at Central Elastic Cooperation,Prai, Penang Malaysia.{All members will be united to PICKET on 1st April 2014}
National union of empolyees in companies manufacturing Rubber Products comence negotiation with company three months ago and on 28th March 2014 at the negotiation , company only offer 3 per cent salary adjustment, and with 2months bonus, with unbearable condition
to qualify.NUECMRP proposed 6 per cent salary adjustment and 2months
bonus as status quo,company still maintain its stand on its proposal,
NUECMRP have no other words then to call it a DEADLOCK.
NUECMRP will start to picket from 1st April 2014 at company until its
Terms and Conditions are met by the company.