Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Decent Work for Women and Men Assures a Better Deal for Families

This year’s theme “Families Matter for the Achievement of Development Goals” recognises the role of families and policies to support them in achieving internationally agreed development goals.
Today’s families are diverse, defying traditional models such as those based on a male breadwinner and jobs for life. There are now many single parent households – often women, and grandparent-headed households. In their different shapes and sizes, families are active agents of development. Yet their contribution, actual and potential, is often undervalued and inadequately supported, and many families are under severe pressure.


Press Statement
20th May 2014
Medical Certificate
Dear editor,
The recent statement by Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) president Datuk Dr N.K.S Tharmaseelam, undermines the integrity of Malaysian Medical Profession by stating that employers has the right to question and decide the validity of Medical Certificate and  by further asserting that MCs  is a mere recommendation. If a medical practitioner has acted beyond his duty and ethic, than rightly that practitioner should be taken to task and not shift the burden of deciding ones health to the hand and sole discretion of a lay person and in this case, the employers

Forced labour 'making $150bn profit' - ILO report

A young boy carries a sack from a boat to a lorry at the harbour in Makassar, Indonesia - 30 April 2014The ILO says 11.4 million women and girls and 9.5 million men and boys are victims of forced labour

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Forced labour generates illegal profits of at least $150bn (£90bn; 110bn euros) a year, a study by the International Labour Organization (ILO) says.
The profits are far higher than previous estimates and the ILO wants governments to tackle the problem.
Some 21 million people worldwide are in forced labour, it says, with migrant workers most vulnerable.