Monday, August 31, 2015

Right To Participate In Peaceful Assemblies Is Constitutionally Guaranteed Right Of Workers – Employers Should Never Deny Workers Our Rights and Freedoms

Article 10 of the Federal Constitution guarantees the rights of every citizen to freedom of speech, expression, assembly and to form association. The Government of Malaysia is entrusted with the responsibilities to ensure that these fundamental rights are in no way compromised.
Workers, including those in the public sector, are human beings, and have the right and freedom to actively participate in political, socio-economic and cultural life of the nation. All workers have the right to freedom of expression, opinion and to participate in peaceful assembly.

Friday, August 28, 2015

MALAYSIA:::Carmaker Naza lays off 300 at Kedah plant

Three hundred workers today lost their jobs at the Naza plant in Kedah that assembles Peugeot and Kia cars as poor car sales begin biting the country's auto industry.
Car sales nationwide slipped in July to 58,646 units from 60,269 units in the same month last year, according to statistics from the Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA).
From January to July this year, the total sale of vehicles was 380,830 units down from 393,425 units in the corresponding period last year.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Qatar Airways relaxes female cabin crew pregnancy rules

Under the new policies, female flight attendants who become pregnant are now offered temporary ground jobs.
"This is really about making sure we attract and retain the best talent," said a spokesperson for the Doha-based airline.
The International Labour Organisation (ILO) had criticised Qatar Airways for itstreatment of its female cabin crew.


A.) Apabila Diberhentikan Polis :
1. Jika mereka TIDAK MEMAKAI UNIFORM - Minta pengenalan diri mereka. Katakan, "Sila tunjukkan kad kuasa polis anda. "
2. Jenis & warna kad kuasa polis
MERAH : Pegawai polis yang digantung tugas. Beliau tiada kuasa untuk melakukan apa2 terhadap anda. Anda boleh tinggalkan mereka dan jangan dilayan.
BIRU : Berpangkat Inspektor dan ke atas
KUNING : Anggota lain2 pangkat dari Konstabel lebih rendah dari Inspektor
PUTIH : Polis simpanan
3. Jika POLIS BERUNIFORM : Ambil dan rekod nama dan nombor ID pada pakaian seragam mereka.
4. Jika mereka menaiki kereta/motosikal peronda polis : Ambil dan rekod nombor pendaftaran kereta/motosikal poranda berkenaan.

Electronics Industry Pilots Factory Worker Protection Program in Malaysia

ALEXANDRIA, Va., Aug. 26 /CSRwire/ - The Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC), a nonprofit coalition of leading electronics companies dedicated to supply chain responsibility, today announced the launch of a foreign migrant worker protection pilot program that aims to improve communications in electronics factories by providing workers with more effective ways to report issues related to social, environmental and ethical responsibility. The name of the program is Suara Kita, which is Malay for "Our Voice."

MALAYSIA:::300 pekerja Naza Automotive diberhentikan

Kira-kira 300 pekerja syarikat pengeluar kereta Naza Automotive Manufacturing (NAM) Sdn Bhd diberhentikan kerja hari ini selepas jualan kenderaan jatuh tahun ini sejak pengenalan Cukai Barang dan Perkhidmatan (GST) pada April lalu.
Pemberhentian tersebut melibatkan 255 kakitangan, 30 Jawatankuasa NAM dan selebihnya kakitangan pentadbiran.
Kesemua kakitangan yang diberhentikan itu diraikan dalam satu majlis perpisahan yang diadakan di Dewan Seri Zaleha di Gurun Kedah.

MALAYSIA:::Pengambilan pekerja asing melalui khidmat atas talian

PUTRAJAYA: Khidmat orang tengah atau "agen" mungkin tidak diperlukan tidak lama lagi dengan pelaksanaan sistem pengambilan pekerja asing secara atas talian, kelak.

Ia antara tiga syarat baharu yang digariskan ke atas majikan dalam pengambilan pekerja asing ke negara ini kecuali pembantu rumah yang masih menggunakan khidmat agen.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

MALAYSIA:::MTUC urges gov’t to freeze GST for sake of the people

Its vice-president says the weakening ringgit coupled with wage suppression is taking a heavy toll on those from the lower income bracket.
PETALING JAYA: The government must step in immediately to ease the heavy burden of those from the lower income bracket who are reeling from the effects of the weak ringgit and wage suppression by freezing the Goods and Services Tax (GST), said J Solomon in his capacity as vice president of the Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC).

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Industrial Court Award:::AWARD NO. 496 TAHUN 2015 Dismissal / Salah-Laku - Merokok di tempat yang tidak dibenarkan.


 Adalah menjadi amalan Mahkamah untuk mengawardkan pampasan gantian pengembalian kedudukan jawatan berlandaskan perkiraan sebulan gaji untuk setiap tahun genap perkhidmatan pekerja dengan Syarikat. 

Industrial Court Award:::AWARD NO: 997 OF 2015 Dismissal / Salah-Laku

Relief The Court has taken into consideration the fact that the Claimant was sent by the Company for special training at Thales, France which he has completed the Court opines that his services may be beneficial to the Company. The facts and evidence do not allude to any trust and confidence in the Claimant being lost as the Claimant was not dismissed from poor performance or serious acts of misconduct by the Company. Given his age and training the Court opines that reinstalling the him will serve towards justice achieved. Accordingly the Court deems it fit to order that the Claimant be reinstated to his former position in the Company so that he could put his training and knowledge gained to good use for the Company's benefit. The Court orders that the Company reinstates the Claimant within 30 days from the date of service of this Award without loss of salary, seniority and other benefits, monetary or otherwise. The Court orders that the Claimant be paid back wages from the date of dismissal based on the last drawn salary of the Claimant together with all other monetary benefits less statutory deductions if any. The Claimant is ordered to report back to the Company not later than 30 days from the date of the service of this Award. The Court orders that all monetary benefits be paid to the Claimant within 30 days from the date hereby through his Solicitors Messrs. Murugavell Arumugam & Co.

MALAYSIA:::Perumahan Malaysia sangat tidak mampu milik

KUALA LUMPUR: Kajian Khazanah Research Institute (KRI) mendedahkan harga rumah di Malaysia yang terlalu tinggi menyebabkan sehingga ia  tidak mampu dimiliki rakyat.

Ia dikira berdasarkan median harga rumah pada 4.4 kali berbanding median pendapatan tahunan isi rumah tahunan, lebih tinggi berbanding median antarabangsa bagi rumah mampu milik pada tiga kali pendapatan isi rumah tahunan.

Monday, August 24, 2015

INDONESIA:::KSPI Sebut Pemerintahan Jokowi Memiskinkan Buruh dan Rakyat

JAKARTA, - Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Indonesia menuntut Presiden Joko Widodo segera membatalkan peraturan yang membolehkan pekerja asing bekerja di Indonesia tanpa mampu berbahasa Indonesia. Presiden KSPI Said Iqbal berpendapat, peraturan itu terlalu berpihak kepada tenaga kerja asing (TKA) dan tidak berpihak pada pekerja di Indonesia.

Ansell workers in Sri Lanka not giving up after two years

Close to a 1,000 workers employed by the Australian company Ansell at the Biyagama Export Processing Zone in Sri Lanka went on strike in October 2013 for the right to form their own union. They are still fighting to establish their own union. Union representatives attempted to come to Melbourne, Australia in 2014 where the headquarters of Ansell are located, but weredenied a visa. This time, Anton Marcus, the General Secretary of the Free Trade Zones and General Services Employees Union (FTZGSEU), is in Melbourne and a solidarity protest is planned for Tuesday 25 August. Against a global company like Ansell, that has facilities in 35 countries, co-ordinated action by Ansell workers in other countries would be the most powerful strategy.
Stop Ansell’s union busting Tuesday, August 25 at 12:00pm, 678 Victoria St, Richmond 

Migrant workers in South Korea finally win full recognition

Recently we reported that the Migrant Trade Union (MTU) in South Korea had won legal recognition following a decade of struggle and a Supreme Court decision. This victory was immediately curtailed by the South Korean ministry of Labour which imposed legal hurdles preventing registration of the MTU. Labour activists then initiated a campaign for full recognition and better rights. This week, the MTU finally won, bringing to end a struggle that began a decade ago.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

MALAYSIA:::MTUC: Heavy job losses amid RM2.6b scandal

The Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC) today expressed concerned that several scandals plaguing the nation is eroding confidence and causing a flight of investors, leading to unemployment.
“MTUC is deeply concerned about the state of affairs in Malaysia and its impact on workers,” said its secretary-general N Gopal Kishnam.
Among the scandals he said, are the RM2.6 billion deposited into Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s personal bank accounts, alleged wrongdoing of state-owned 1MDB, and the apparent interference of investigations into these scandals.
“All these, including the falling Malaysian ringgit which MTUC believes is also because of the above, may have a negative impact on workers,” he said in a statement today.
Gopal (photo) said businesses seek a clean and corruption-free government, effective legal mechanisms and proper enforcement as reasons to remain in Malaysia.
He pointed out that already, several companies have withdrawn from Malaysia or are planning to do so, leading to thousands of workers losing their jobs.
“Of late, there has been news that many factories, like JVCKenwood Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Ansell Malaysia Sdn Bhd and Fairchild Semiconductor International Inc have closed down, or will be closing down, which will leave thousands of workers unemployed,” said Gopal.

MALAYSIA:::Stall talks for Bangladesh workers, Zahid told

Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi should delay the negotiations to bring in 1.5 million workers from Bangladesh, said Klang MP Charles Santiago.
This is because Ahmad Zahid, who is also home minister, should focus on reviewing the labour market for locals first before doing anything else, Charles said in a statement today.
"Foreign workers are already dominating the local labour market, denying Malaysians of jobs and suppressing wages," he explained.

MALAYSIA:::MTUC against en bloc deferral of minimum wage

Malaysian Trade Union Congress President, Khalid Atan says that the Congress is against en bloc applications by SMEs to defer implementation of minimum wage. Any application has to be on individual basis. 

Khalid also clarifies the events of the Feb 27th meeting with the National Wages Consultative Council (MPGN) that led to a walkout by SME representatives.

Khalid Atan: MTUC against en bloc deferral of... oleh kinitv

MALAYSIA::: MTUC says plan to bring in 1.5m foreign workers contradicts with 11MP objective

The Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) has threatened to hold demonstrations if the government does not drop its plan to bring in 1.5 million Bangladeshi workers.
MTUC secretary-general N. Gopal Kishnam said the sudden decision to bring in 1.5 million workers from Bangladesh contradicts the 11th Malaysia Plan's (11MP) objective to reduce dependency on low-skilled foreign labour.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

MTUC:::A Corruption Free PM and Government Needed For Wellbeing of Workers in Malaysia

Malaysian Trade Union Congress(MTUC) is deeply concerned about the state of affairs in Malaysia and its impact on workers.
What has surfaced is, amongst others, the allegation of corruption against Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak in connection with the about RM2.6 billion allegedly found in his personal bank accounts, the allegation of  ‘wrongs’ done by 1MDB, related companies and possibly other government-linked companies (GLCs). There is also the  perception that there is also interference in various available investigation mechanisms in Malaysia, be it the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission(MACC), the Attorney General’s Chambers, police, Public Accounts Committee(PAC) of the Parliament, the Special Task Force and others. All these, including the dropping Malaysian ringgit which MTUC believes is also because of the above, may have a negative impact on workers.
Many businesses and investors consider a ‘clean corrupt free’ government, effective legal mechanisms and proper enforcement for justice as an attractive reason to come set up their businesses in Malaysia, or even remain in Malaysia.

MTUC:::Stop The 1.5 Million Foreign Workers, Focus On Re-Training Locals

Pic:FilePic:FileKUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC) wants the government to stop bringing in the proposed 1.5 million Bangladeshi workers
Instead, MTUC secretary-general N. GopalKishnam said, the government should focus on re-training locals in the 3D – dangerous, difficult and dirty jobs.
He said the government should also look into increasing the pay scales for these jobs to attract the locals.
“The MTUC cannot accept Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s statement to bring in 1.5 million foreign workers from Bangladesh,” he said in a statement today.
GopalKishnam believed high perks would definitely attract locals to do 3D jobs.

MTUC: Invest in M’sians, not Bangladeshis

The government should invest in Malaysians, instead of spending money to bring in and train 1.5 million Bangladeshi workers, the Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) says.

"MTUC feels it is better if locals are given enough training, as well as good wages, to absorb them into the 3D - dangerous, difficult and dirty sector," MTUC secretary-general N Gopal Kishnam said today.

Gopal (photo) said while locals may not be interested in 3D jobs now, better wages could change their minds.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

MALAYSIA:::Zahid's kin eyes system for 1.5m Bangladeshis

A firm owned by Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s brother is in talks with Dhaka and Putrajaya to provide a management system for the 1.5 million Bangladeshi workers Malaysia intends to allow in through a new business-to-business system.

Real Time Networking Sdn Bhd, in which Zahid’s brother Abdul Hakim Hamidi is executive chairperson, aims to provide an online system where, for a fee, workers can be registered and monitored from Bangladesh and Malaysia.

Zahid is also home minister, and the approval of foreign workers into Malaysia comes under his ministry’s purview.

MALAYSIA:::Matlamat kurang jurang pendapatan gagal, orang kaya bertambah kaya, kata pakar

Jurang pendapatan antara golongan berpendapatan tinggi dan rendah di negara ini semakin melebar, kata seorang pakar ekonomi yang juga pemikir tempatan biarpun jurang pendapatan isi rumah semakin mengecil.
Dr Muhammed Abdul Khalid berkata beberapa petunjuk mengenai keadaan ini adalah bagaimana jualan kereta dan rumah mewah semakin meningkat dan masih rancak berbanding jualan terhadap produk kos pertengahan serta rendah.
Jualan bagi barangan mewah masih berterusan buat masa ini ketika sentimen pengguna secara keseluruhannya adalah lemah kerana kadar inflasi dan ekonomi yang perlahan, kata Muhammad, yang bertugas di Institut Penyelidikan Khazanah.

Monday, August 10, 2015

THAILAND:::Thai Airways tries 'to kill off’ aviation union

Four union leaders from Thailand's TG Union have today been ordered to pay over nine million US dollars in damages to Thai Airways Company (Thai Airways), after peaceful protests in 2013 resulted in a collective agreement for workers at the airline

MALAYSIA:::Six questions for Zahid on Bangladeshi workers

MP SPEAKS Civil society groups, including NGOs, trade unions and employers’ associations, should welcome Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s offer to meet up with them to explain the rationale behind plans to import 1.5 million Bangladeshi workers in the next three years

This meeting is extremely crucial, as the entire strategy is wrong for many reasons. And it doesn’t seem to be clearly thought out as well.

The 11th Malaysia Plan stipulates that by 2020, about 1.5 million new jobs will be created, with improvements in labour productivity and reduced dependency on low-skilled foreign workers.