Thursday, October 29, 2015

Selamatkan Upah Buruh Indonesia

Selamatkan Upah Buruh Indonesia
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Baru-baru ini, Presiden Jokowi menandatangani Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 78 Tahun 2015 tentang Pengupahan. Kami buruh Indonesia tegas menolak Peraturan Pemerintah tersebut.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

MALAYSIA:::Invest Penang says no massive lay-offs despite M&As

PENANG: There is no massive retrenchment exercise in Penang despite various industries and businesses entering into mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activities, said the Director of Invest Penang, Datuk Lee Kah Choon.

He said on Tuesday M&As are commonly carried out, not only to consolidate operations, but also for reasons such as to increase market share and technology synergies.

He also confirmed that five major multinational companies (MNC) are entering into M&As, but there is no massive retrenchment exercise to follow.

MALAYSIA:::518 foreign workers deaths at construction site since 2006

A total of 518 foreign workers’ death were reported at the construction sector since 2006, the Dewan Rakyat was told today. Deputy Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Abd Muttalib said according to statistics recorded until Sept 30, nationality with the highest deaths were Bangladesh (216) and Indonesia (64). "This figure only covers foreign workers at construction sector. There are about 1.9 million legal foreign workers in various sectors in Malaysia,"

MALAYSIA:::Graduan kumpulan paling banyak menganggur

Lepasan pengajian tinggi paling banyak menganggur di negara ini berbanding pihak yang hanya mendapat pendidikan menengah dan rendah.
Malah, berbanding dengan kumpulan tiada pendidikan rasmi pun, graduan universiti masih ketinggalan daripada aspek pekerjaan.
Menurut statistik pada separuh tahun pertama 2015, sebanyak 3.8 peratus graduan menganggur di negara itu.

MALAYSIA:::Orang ramai kerumun parlimen bantah TPPA

Lebih daripada seratus orang awam dan aktivis hari ini berhimpun di luar pintu bangunan parlimen bagi membantah Perjanjian Perkongsian Trans-Pasifik (TPPA).
Mereka melaungkan slogan "jangan jual negara kita” serta mempamerkan kain rentang bantahan.
Peserta mula berkumpul di kawasan Tugu Negara pada pukul 10 pagi lalu berarak ke bangunan Parlimen pada pukul 10.30 pagi.
Namun, apabila mendekati jalan utama di luar b

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

INDONESIA:::Tolak Formulasi Pengupahan, Buruh Akan Gelar Demo Besar

 Ribuan buruh dari berbagai federasi yang tergabung dalam Komite Aksi Upah (KAU) akan berdemonstrasi menolak rancangan peraturan pemerintah tentang formulasi pengupahan. Demonstrasi akan dilakukan sampai formulasi pengupahan itu dibatalkan.

Presiden KSPI Said Iqbal mengatakan, demonstrasi dimulai sejak tanggal 27 Oktober 2015. Lokasi demonstrasi yang dipilih adalah di depan Istana Merdeka, Jakarta. 

"Puncaknya tanggal 30 Oktober, kita akan bertahan, melawan, sampai RPP Pengupahan dibatalkan," kata Said, saat menggelar konferensi pers, di Gedung LBH Jakarta, Senin (26/10/2015). 

Monday, October 26, 2015

INDONESIA:::Strikes and Struggle of the Indonesian Working Class

Union Busting at Honda: State & Company in Partnership

In April 2015, more than 3000 workers employed at the Honda Prospect Motor plant in Karawang, Indonesia held a mass meeting to declare the establishment of their union, SERBUK HPM. However, five of the union’s leaders have now been suspended by Honda in a classic case of union busting. The workers are fighting both the government and company for union recognition.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

MALAYSIA:::Pelarasan gaji minimum wajar sama rata

Pekerja swasta Sarawak, Sabah hadapi kos lebih tinggi berbanding Semenanjung
// Oleh Jessica Jawing //
KUCHING: Peningkatan gaji minimum pekerja swasta di Sarawak dan Sabah sewajarnya sama rata dengan pekerja di Semenanjung Malaysia memandangkan kos barangan dan perkhidmatan di kedua-dua negeri itu lebih mahal.
Walaupun pengumuman kenaikan gaji minimum iaitu dari RM800 sebelum ini kepada RM920 kepada pekerja swasta Sabah dan Sarawak dalam Bajet 2016 bertepatan tetapi beberapa aspek harus diambil kira.

MALAYSIA:::MTUC: Budget’s minimum wage too little for now

In 2012, the Malaysian Trades’ Union Congress (MTUC) urged the government to fix the minimum wage ceiling rate at RM1,200 a month for private sector employees.

Three years later, the Budget 2016 has only revealed a meagre increase, not taking into account the fact that the cost of living has increased. 

The Budget 2016 that was tabled by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak on Friday had a minimum wage increase for private sector workers in the peninsula from RM900 to RM1,000, and from RM800 to RM920 for those in Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan.

MALAYSIA:::It’s the government’s responsibility, says MTUC over proposed retrenchment fund.

The Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) has raised concern over Putrajaya's plan to set up an Employment Insurance Scheme (EIS), saying it does not offer sufficient returns or protection for majority of the workforce. MTUC council member S. Somahsundram said under the scheme, workers could be in a worse situation. Deputy Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Abd Muttalib said last month that the government would announce its decision on the proposed EIS soon.

The scheme was announced last year during Budget 2015, to give temporary financial assistance, reskilling and upskilling for retrenched workers.

Friday, October 23, 2015

MALAYSIA:::MTUC slams Budget 2016 over minimum wage hike for private sector

The Malaysian Trades' Union Congress (MTUC) has expressed disappointment with the government over the new minimum wage increase for private sector employees as proposed under Budget 2016.
Its secretary-general, N. Gopal Kishnam, said he expected a RM1,200 minimum wage, similar to the rate for public sector workers.
“We are extremely disappointed with the announcement due to the increase in living cost nationwide,” he told The Malaysian Insider in an immediate reaction after the tabling of the budget in Parliament today.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced the minimum wage increase for private sector workers in the peninsula from RM900 to RM1,000, and from RM800 to RM920 for those in Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015


MTUC membantah sekeras-kerasnya kenaikan drastik 17-80% harga tol yang diumumkan oleh syarikat konsesi  pada 17 lebuh raya sekitar Lembah Klang dan Terowong SMART serta lebuhraya Senai-Desaru di Johor mulai 15hb Oktober 2015 amat tidak adil dan tidak wajar. Keadaan rakyat yang sedang berhempas pulas terus berhadapan dengan gelombang kos sara hidup yang cukup dahsyat pada ketika ini.

Kenyataan Kementerian Kerja Raya dalam kenyataannya, berkata kerajaan tidak berhasrat membebankan rakyat dengan kadar tol yang tinggi, sebaliknya kadar dikenakan mengalami ‘gradual increment’ sepanjang tempoh konsesi dan pampasan perlu dibayar mengikut peruntukkan dalam perjanjian.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

MALAYSIA:::20 Bekas Kakitangan Naza Buat Aduan Di Pejabat Perhubungan Perusahaan

 Dua puluh orang daripada 255 bekas kakitangan Naza AutoMotive Manufacturing Sdn Bhd hari ini membuat aduan di pejabat Perhubungan Perusahaan negeri di sini atas dakwaan syarikat itu tidak mematuhi beberapa perkara dalam Perjanjian Bersama 2014-2017.

Kumpulan itu diketuai bekas Naib Yang Dipertua Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja Naza (PEKENA), Mohammad Hanif Azmi.

Mohammad Hanif mendakwa, syarikat itu tidak mematuhi Artikel 10 perjanjian dan antaranya pihak kesatuan tidak dipanggil untuk berbincang tentang pengurangan pekerja, sebaliknya diberi notis pemberhentian kerja dalam tempoh 24 jam.

MALAYSIA:::Dr Mahathir brands TPP ‘a bad agreement’

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a “very bad” agreement, said Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who expressed worries that the deal would affect the competitiveness of Malaysian companies. The former prime minister said the trade deal would result in local companies having to compete with international outfits with decades of experience and operations. “Under TPP, you cannot discriminate, so if there is a tender process, it has to be opened to everyone.

“Malaysian companies are not as strong as foreign companies and if a foreign company suffer losses here, it can still make profit from other places whereas this is not the case for Malaysian companies.


 “So we can’t compete and our  policies to uplift our industries will be affected. “TPP is a very bad agreement,” he said in a brief question and answer session at the “Impact of economic issues on Malaysian workers” forum by the National Union of Bank Employees (NUBE)

MALAYSIA:::Medical fraternity remains anxious over TPPA

The Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) is anxious over the impact of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) on healthcare services in Malaysia.
MMA president Datuk Dr N.K.S. Tharmaseelan (picture) said an agreement could see the potential increase in the cost of medicines and healthcare services.
“Many countries now use generic drugs to treat diseases as effectively as patent drugs. This has brought down the cost of medication and health care,” said Dr Tharmaseelan.
“But with the TPPA, intellectual property provisions could be an issue as the production and importation of generic drugs will be deemed illegal until a certain period.”
He added the liberalisation of the healthcare service sector would also send “costs of healthcare spiralling upwards”.
“Managed care organisations (MCO) and health maintenance organisations (HMO) are third parties who act as intermediaries between doctors, patients and hospitals. The rising number of complaints cannot be acted upon due to the lack of appropriate Acts to regulate these third party administrators in Malaysia.

ILO seeks to ‘eradicate child labour’ in Myanmar

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) is planning to eradicate child labour in Myanmar by running a pilot project in 2016, according to a press release issued on October 3.
The four-year model pilot project will be implemented in three areas - Yangon, Ayeyarwady regions and Mon state, focusing on over 3,600 children and their family members.

MALAYSIA:::MTUC calls for six-hour work day

The Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC) has called on the government to implement six-hour work day, citing the health of employees as a reason.

MTUC president Mohd Khalid Atan told daily Harian Metro that the body has always been championing for lesser working hours, from the current 48 hours per week to 40 hours.

He cited Sweden as one of the countries which had reduced its working hours from eight hours to six per day.

Friday, October 2, 2015

MALAYSIA:::Economic and political issues need resolution

The Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) is concerned about the ongoing economic and political issues the country has been facing in recent times. With the ringgit depreciating against major currencies, the cost of imports have gone up and as a direct consequence of this there has been a further rise in the cost of living.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

MALAYSIA:::Use Mamak Stall Index to measure real inflation

“The economic figures used such as inflation and the Consumer Price Index (CPI) does not reflect the real rise in the cost of living,” says MTUC

The MTUC would like to invite the Minister of Human Resources and his officers to discuss workers’ issues in the country in view of the deteriorating economic conditions in the country. “There’s also a need to handle the political and economic issues that are fast dragging the country down.”